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Before I Forget Melissa Hill

Before I Forget - Melissa Hill
Автор: Hill Melissa
Издательство: Hodder, 2009 г.
  • Редактор-составитель: Леняшин Мстислав Адрианович
  • Дизайн: Бублевский Антип Бориславич
  • Корректор: Кустодиев Иларион Фокич
  • Кол-во страниц: 396
  • Формат: txt, fb2, pdf

Описание к книге "Before I Forget"
The new brilliantly warm, funny and touching novel from number one Irish bestseller, Melissa Hill.
Abby's memories are her most precious thing.
Even though they're sometimes painful, she can't stop herself looking back, reliving the love of her life.
Until a freak accident means that she could lose it all: every memory and experience she has ever had.
Abby can't believe it's true. She feels fine. She is fine. How could she possibly forget all those moments that make her who she is?
She's determined to fight it. With the help of her friends and family, Abby makes a list of things she's always wanted to do. She's going to save her memory by having the most unforgettable year of her life ... Вы можете скачать Before I Forget Melissa Hill.

Before I Forget Melissa Hill

Before I Forget Melissa Hill

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